9 Signs That Your Body Is Screaming For Better Nutrition
We’ve been told since childhood that eating healthy food makes us stronger, which, if you’re gross like me, you’ve interpreted as eating an apple once every Arbor Day or so.
But as it turns out, your body needs a healthy dose of good nutrition every day, and if it doesn’t receive it, it will find the weirdest ways to tell you. Here are some warning signs of malnourishment that you should watch out for.
Digestion issues.
Not to sound like a pharmaceutical ad, but do you have trouble with constipation or diarrhea? Then you may be suffering from a lack of fiber. Doctors suggest eating things like whole wheat pasta and bran flakes to keep your intestines happy.
Delayed healing.
Nobody heals as fast as our determined friend Wile E. Coyote here, but if you have a wound that is taking a long time to heal, you should take stock of what you’re eating every day. Calories and proteins are essential when it comes to the healing process.
Brittle hair.
If your hair is becoming straw-like and can be pulled out easily, you might need more protein in your diet. Any type of meat packs a healthy punch of protein, but if you’re a vegetarian, you can go for beans, eggs, and nuts.
Brittle nails.
Do your nails break as much as an affluent woman’s in an old-timey movie? You might actually have a magnesium deficiency. Eat more foods like avocados, whole grains, and bananas!
Premature aging.
Studies show that a poor diet can create wrinkles on the face at an earlier age. To combat that, you need to eat more foods that are packed with vitamins A through E. Antioxidants are also your friends. We’re talking about fruits and vegetables here, folks.
Cold hands.
You might blame your icy hands on bad circulation, but it could also mean that you have an iodine deficiency. You should eat more things from the sea, like kelp and shrimp. Iodine-rich foods like cranberries, yogurt, and potatoes are great as well.
Fissured tongue.
If your tongue is starting to look like the ruins of Pompeii, you may have a vitamin B deficiency. You need to have more fish, soy, and bran in your diet.
Dry skin.
Dry, lizard-like skin can be caused by the cold, but sometimes, it can mean that you aren’t getting enough vitamin A. Have some more carrots, dark leafy greens, and red meat. You’ll be happy to know that BUTTER is also high in vitamin A!
Bad teeth.
Obviously, having bad teeth is often a sign that you need to cut back on sugar, but bleeding gums could also indicate that you need to get some more vitamin C. Try to get more citrus fruits and broccoli into your diet.
I know it seems like your body wants cookies and cakes, but, as lame as it sounds, it really wants a more balanced diet. It’s boring, I know, but it’s totally necessary.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/nutrition/
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