The Most Dangerous Woman in America
I am not afraid of the pen, or the scaffold, or the sword. Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones) [ Mother Jones – Rupert Garcia. 1989. Garcia’s portrait of the American radical labor organizer. ]
I am not afraid of the pen, or the scaffold, or the sword. Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones) [ Mother Jones – Rupert Garcia. 1989. Garcia’s portrait of the American radical labor organizer. ]
Two Continents Same Ideology
Obama just brought @Sebelius on stage to "fix" his "broken" video — HuffPost Politics (@HuffPostPol) May 4, 2014 President Obama and disgraced former HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius actually think their job-killing, innovation-undermining, market-distorting, website-choking, insurance-sabotaging Obamacare failure is funny. Obama brings Kathleen Sebelius onto the stage to fix his video problem. #awkward #payoff #whcd […]
"The definition of insanity is expecting sanity from Harry Reid." ~ @greggutfeld #TheFive — Jack in NYC (@talkradio200) March 20, 2013 Amen! As Twitchy reported, Sen. Harry Reid sunk to a new low (hard to believe) yesterday, when he danced on the backs of seven dead Marines by blaming their deaths on the sequester. @greggutfeld […]
Fox News' Chris Wallace says he has never seen a VP or presidential debate where one party was as disrespectful at Joe Biden. | #VPdebate — Scott W. Graves (@ScottWGraves) October 12, 2012 WoW! Chris Wallace said “Biden was openly disrespectful” “Unprecendented Disrespect by a VP in this Debate”. — Jerri Jones (@jcjones717) October 12, […]
MTP to discuss Lybia debacle with Plouffe, I am expecting to hear more lies. — Proud Clinger (@DebyBennett) September 30, 2012 And lie, he did! Obama adviser David Plouffe made the Sunday show spin rounds again today and continued his record of utter failure filled with lies. As the wheels continue to come off the […]
Break: "NBC News declines to participate in an off the record meeting on this issue." — Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) May 30, 2013 Politico, which along with ABC and the Washington Post seems to be one of the few to accept Attorney General Eric Holder’s invitation to an off-the-record meeting of Washington bureau chiefs, reports that NBC News […]
Shorter Obama: "stop whining about high gas prices, algae will be here in some unknown century down the road." — WilliamTeach (@WilliamTeach) March 29, 2012 maybe ineed to start watchin the news more , b/c ireally dnt see the changes obama made the world seem like its gettin worse if yu ask me — R.I.P […]
WASHINGTON (AP) _ Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to leave Obama administration, another Cabinet member out. — Ken Thomas (@KThomasDC) January 29, 2013 Ray LaHood out. Praises stimulus package, FAA reauth, safety, CAFE. Says best job he ever had. — Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) January 29, 2013 Another Cabinet member is on the way out. Does Transportation […]
John Boehner tells Harry Reid "go fuck yourself" twice. Stay classy 'merica stay classy — philunchained (@philunchained) January 2, 2013 Many Beltway journos and pundits are in a tizzy in the wee hours of the morning over this little tidbit: House GOP Speaker John Boehner reportedly told Democratic Sen. Harry Reid “Go fuck yourself” twice […]