Break: "NBC News declines to participate in an off the record meeting on this issue." — Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) May 30, 2013 Politico, which along with ABC and the Washington Post seems to be one of the few to accept Attorney General Eric Holder’s invitation to an off-the-record meeting of Washington bureau chiefs, reports that NBC News […]
We need to keep in mind the distinction between what is politically conservative and what is merely sociopathic. — David Frum (@davidfrum) January 30, 2013 After doubling down, tripling down, and quadrupling down on the Newtown heckling hoax, conservative-turned-liberal David Frum has finally backed down. Sort of. Earlier this morning, he posted a response […]
SHOCKER! #youdidntbuildthat Socialist E. Warren campaign owes $400k. (because of pizza and coffee) She gonna fit in nice. — Conservative Bastion (@ConserveBastion) December 9, 2012 No, really. Even post-election, Elizabeth Warren is continuing her “Sitting Bull” ways. Elizabeth Warren owes 400k on pizza and coffee, fortunately she’s part-indian – so she doesn’t have to pay […]
Shorter Obama: "stop whining about high gas prices, algae will be here in some unknown century down the road." — WilliamTeach (@WilliamTeach) March 29, 2012 maybe ineed to start watchin the news more , b/c ireally dnt see the changes obama made the world seem like its gettin worse if yu ask me — R.I.P […]
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor,he just can't treat you. — Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) December 10, 2013 Thanks to Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, we now know what comes after the period in, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.” If you pay more, that is. Charlie Daniels […]
@Slublog I don't know. It seems more like snark. — Jeb Bos (@BigJebBos) August 15, 2014 Snark or stupidity? We’ll publish the tweets and let you be the judge. Disclaimer: We are talking about Zack Beauchamp, who was recently “pantsed” by the Washington Free Beacon, which awarded his “Everything You Need to Know About Israel-Palestine” “explainer” four […]!/JPughMI/status/184830465310605313 After typing in, the website directs you to, with the only word on the page saying, “Yes.” Two photos are posted below. Guess that’s one website he should have bought, but it doesn’t matter now seeing as how he is moving to (slowly) end his campaign. Read more:
DT @JohnsonLeads RT @bradcolbow: "Do not, I repeat, DO NOT put a Mac Book pro in your pocket!" — Nicko (@SFnicko) September 25, 2014 Pockets are good places for keys, a wallet, and maybe a cell phone. But, as Rep. Bill Johnson, R-Ohio, noted in a retweet published earlier today, a pocket is a really […]
Photo: Bo the dog holiday cookies and hot apple cider, for the press at the White House today. — David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) November 28, 2012 The president’s pooch-munching history really is the gift that keeps on giving. Obama ate a dog, and just in time for the holidays, he’s making sure the press corps […]