She Just Revealed How Ridiculous The Internet Is By Recreating Celebrity Selfies
As much as gossip magazines want us to believe that celebrities are just like us, the fact of the matter is that they’re not. Don’t believe me? Just scroll through your favorite celeb’s social media profiles. With the help of professional makeup artists, photographers, and stylists, these pretty people look infinitely more interesting online than we do, regardless of how on-point our selfie games happen to be.
That’s why comedian Celeste Barber decided to explore the phenomenon in the absolute best way possible. Her hysterical parodies of celebrity photos cannot be missed.
Parenting looks different when you’re famous…especially if you are the embodiment of human perfection known as Jennifer Lopez.
If you ask me, they’re both slaying.
This is everything and more.
With a little help from 7-Eleven and Dr. Pepper, we can all be Cindy Crawford.
Is this not a normal thing to do…?
And here we have a gift to society.
This speaks to me on a spiritual level.
Kendall’s original picture might be the most liked photo on Instagram, but Celeste holds the keys to all of our hair hearts.
Her caption says it all.
It’d be awesome if she did video parodies, but she doesn’t, but yes she does.
Even Beyonce’s falls are too good for this Earth.
There are all kinds of moms out there.
We are Celeste. Celeste is us.
That contour though!
Date night! #blessed
Crushed it.
When Queen Gaga wears socks and pumps and forgets her pants, Celeste wears socks and pumps and forgets her pants.
(via My Modern Met)
As you can see, Celeste Barber is an international treasure who should be respected and appreciated for the gift she is. She is a hero. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll go on Instagram and let Celeste bring your Kylie-filled feed back to sweet, sweet reality.
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