googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); When brothers Dan and Bret Friend traveled to Payette National Forest in Idaho for a family reunion, they were excited to visit a secret cave they thought nobody else knew about. But when they arrived, something didn’t feel right. As they approached the entrance of the cave, they heard whimpering sounds […]
Windows are by far the greatest killers of birds, causing double the number of bird fatalities as cats. One little bird in Saudi Arabia could have become yet another victim of a window if it weren’t for his loyal friend. He’s shown in this incredible video nervously slapping his wings and poking his feathery friend […]
For one Oklahoma high school student, graduating took a lot more work than usual. Micah McDade, a senior at Okmulgee High School, was born with cerebral palsy. As his graduation drew near, he became determined to walk like everyone else as he collected his diploma. So, following months of constant practice and preparation, McDade rose […]
Irving Caplan became paralyzed and permanently wheelchair-bound after a bicycle accident in 2012. He refused to let this huge hurdle stop him from standing in honor of his daughter’s wedding two years later. Caplan wasn’t able to walk his daughter down the aisle; instead, he rose to the occasion of toasting to his daughter’s happiness with help from a […]