GOOGLE “SEARCHES” For Ways To Combat Heart Disease

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Google Life Sciences, a research group recently spun off from its parent corporation, is teaming with the American Heart Association in a $US50 million project to find new ways to fight heart disease. The heart association’s half, $US25 million over five years, is the largest single research
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Are These Over The Counter Meds in Your Medicine Cabinet Harming You?

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A large study links popular class of drugs to an elevated risk of heart attack.
Are you at risk?
or is there a deeper commonly overlooked issue?
Some heartburn drugs may boost risk of heart attack, study finds
A large data-mining study carried out by investigators at the Stanford UniversityRead more…


Traditional risk factors load the gun, stress pulls the trigger « CBS Philly

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Psychology Offers AVariety Of Options Says Philadelphia Psychologist « CBS Philly.
There is a strong mind-body connection in heart disease and other chronic illnesses. As I tell my patients, ‘When it comes to heart disease, traditional risk factors load the gun, stress pulls the trigger.’

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Why young and middle aged women have a tougher time recovering from a heart attack | Watch News Videos Online


Why young and middle aged women have a tougher time recovering from a heart attack Mon, Feb 9: A new study finds explains the factors that contribute to worse heart attack recovery for young and middle-aged women. Jennifer Palisoc reports. via Why young and middle aged women have a tougher time recovering from a heart […]


Causes of Heart Attack: Can Fear Cause a Heart Attack?

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Causes of Heart Attack: Can a person be scared to death?

A 79-year-old North Carolina woman dies after a heart attack brought on by terror.

A Charlotte, N.C., man was charged with first-degree murder of a 79-year-old woman whom police said he scared to death. In an attempt to elude copsRead more…


Heredity is not destiny when it comes to cardiovascular disease

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Women with heart risk | Harvard Gazette


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in the United States, deadlier than all forms of cancer combined. To make matters worse, in women the symptoms of cardiovascular disease may present differently than in men, and both treatments andRead more…


Causes of Heart Disease: What Is Angina?

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 What is Angina?

Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. Like all other tissues in the body, the heart muscle needs oxygen-rich blood to function.

Any coronary artery disorder or disease can have serious implications by reducing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the heartRead more…