Are These Over The Counter Meds in Your Medicine Cabinet Harming You?

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A large study links popular class of drugs to an elevated risk of heart attack.
Are you at risk?
or is there a deeper commonly overlooked issue?
Some heartburn drugs may boost risk of heart attack, study finds
A large data-mining study carried out by investigators at the Stanford UniversityRead more…


5-Emotional Stages after a Heart Attack

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Heart Attack Mind-body connection Emotions

A cardiac event such as a heart attack is a major traumatic event in one’s life. Heart attack in many cases, results in a range of emotions a person feels. In some case the “cardiac spouse” may experience similar feelings too. All of a suddenRead more…


Heart Disease: Is The Caveman Partially to Blame?

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Heart Attack Mind-body connection, Stress Response

Did you know that your reaction to stress can make you seriously sick and shorten your life?
“If you ask what the single most important key to longevity is, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’tRead more…