If there’s one thing that many of us avoid for as long as we can when it comes to laundry, it’s washing and putting the duvet cover back on the comforter. By yourself, it takes forever. As a team, it still requires a ton of effort. There must be an easier way, right? Well, it […]
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); Americans consume an estimated 53 pounds of bread a year. This fact alone is enough to send anyone into a carbo-rich coma. White bread has a bad reputation as being one of the worst carb-rich foods you can but in your body. …but what if I told you that when it […]
If you are looking to avoid getting sick this winter, you have tons of obstacles ahead — most of which you don’t even know about! Sure, there’s the usual flu or common cold germs, but your home is hiding tons of other dirty secrets. In fact, here are some of the most bacteria-ridden places in […]
If there’s one thing I hate more than washing dishes…wait, nope. Can’t think of one! Yep, dishwashing is basically the worst thing ever. When I lived in a tiny apartment in New York City, I was forced to wash my plates and silverware pretty much as soon as I finished using them in an effort […]
They call songs oldies but goodies for a reason — they’re classics and will probably never go out of style. But what happens when your vintage records with priceless tunes on them start to show their age? You could bite the bullet and buy digitized versions of your favorite songs…but there’s something off about that. […]
Living with kids is dirty business. View this image › Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed 1. Get rid of carpet stains with just three ingredients. View this image › kidsactivitiesblog.com Hydrogen peroxide, water, and lemon juice. That’s it! Learn more here. 2. A lint roller makes picking up glitter a snap — even glitter a vacuum […]
I’m not the most adept cook, but my skills seriously go down the metaphorical drain when I have to bust out my clunky, hard-to-clean cast iron pan. Sure, you can make a mean burger on it, but when it comes time to scrub the thing clean, I usually bust out my heavy-duty scrub brush and […]