When we were kids, we were told that sharing is caring. If we share our things with others, we’re letting them know that we’re just as worried about their happiness as we are about our own, right? That’s all well and fine, but what about the things that we don’t want to share? More importantly, […]
Bananas are delicious, healthy snacks. It’s really a shame that we don’t eat more of them. Sadly, these awesome yellow fruits are still more closely associated with chimps than they are with humans. Well, here are a few reasons why we should take notes from our monkey friends. Bananas are packed with loads of benefits, […]
If you are looking to avoid getting sick this winter, you have tons of obstacles ahead — most of which you don’t even know about! Sure, there’s the usual flu or common cold germs, but your home is hiding tons of other dirty secrets. In fact, here are some of the most bacteria-ridden places in […]
Of the 30 million Americans who suffer from an eating disorder, about 20 percent die without treatment. Another 20 percent of them never fully recover even if they do seek help; they spend their lives stuck in a state of self-loathing and loneliness. This is a heartbreaking reality for many, which is exactly why what […]
All humans make mistakes; it’s just part of our nature. There is an unfortunate truth, though, that we all must accept. Even the professionals that have our lives in their hands can make mistakes. When you’re under the knife in an operating room, your surgeon can make an error at any point. (After all, he is human… probably.) […]
We live in a big place with lots of unknowns. There are things in this world that will surprise you no matter how much you think you know… like these rare medical conditions. The majority of these rare illnesses sound fake, but they are most definitely real. Some of them are psychological conditions or delusions, […]
BerryHappyBodies Münchausen syndrome is a psychiatric factitious disorder where the affected person fakes being ill. Often times, the faux symptoms are concocted to gain attention or fulfill the wish to be taken care of. The people listed below are the extreme, but even mild cases of the syndrome involve a lot more than running a […]
We’ve been told since childhood that eating healthy food makes us stronger, which, if you’re gross like me, you’ve interpreted as eating an apple once every Arbor Day or so. But as it turns out, your body needs a healthy dose of good nutrition every day, and if it doesn’t receive it, it will find […]
Feeling hungry? You may want to read the rest of this article before you head to your favorite fast food restaurant and order your usual chemical and prescription drug-ridden meal. Most people are aware that fast food is unhealthy and fattening, but did you know it could hurt your body in other ways as well? You might be […]
A few years ago, Kevin Campbell was diagnosed with a kidney disease which left him with only 4% use of the vital organs. The slow, progressive disease required him to have extensive, and painful, dialysis sessions. But what he really needed was a kidney. Despite being placed on a long waiting list, the Canada-native summoned […]