Eating is a very basic human need. We need to do it in order to survive. If we don’t eat, we will die. It’s that simple. But apparently, some people haven’t really gotten the hang of it. Kids and adults alike still have a hard time getting food into their mouths. Need proof? Here you […]
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); All school year long, kids everywhere anticipate the last day of classes. Parents, on the other hand, couldn’t be less thrilled. It’s officially back-to-school time and all across the country you can hear the ceremonious clinking of wine glasses. As if being a parent wasn’t hard enough during the school year, […]
Some people spend so much time putting a foot in their mouths, it’s amazing they’re able to walk around like a normal human. Now, thanks to social media, those people can make a fool of themselves online and immortalize their embarrassment forever. Humiliating yourself on Facebook can happen to anyone. (In fact, it has probably happened to everyone at least once.) […]
An adorable Boston terrier named Abby likes to skip her afternoon nap every day, because that’s when a certain government worker drops paper treasures through the door. While she probably thinks that she’s protecting her humans from rectangular invaders, the only thing her bizarre reaction really proves is that the battle between dogs and mail […]
Slides are known for their universal appeal. Everyone can enjoy a good slide every now and again, and it usually results in good times. But apparently, using them might be trickier than we once thought. These people couldn’t seem to get the hang of one of the most basic playground instruments known to man. 1. […]
We all know kids say the darndest things, but did you know they also get stuck in the darndest places? Because they do. (Well, they would if “darndest” was an actual word and it meant “absolutely ridiculous.”) Who knows how these kids ended up in these sticky situations. Thankfully their parents were there to save […]
Life for babies is full of new discoveries every single day, things we normally wouldn’t even take into consideration. Like this toddler in the video below, he has the most adorable reaction ever upon discovering he can move his eyebrows when looking into a mirror. The way he always laughed in the same way exactly the […]